REVIEW: This New Virtual Reality Game Will Teach Liberals A Real Proper Lesson About Abortion

Written by Aaron Lau

Abortion may be a bit of a painful subject to bring up, but the immorberal (immoral + liberal) judicial ruling allows the murder of unborn children to be legal. To encourage the Supreme Court to change their wicked minds at some point creators at Pacific Dreams, a startup focused on making Virtual Reality video games most known for their Bible VR project, have announced they are near-done with their first virtual reality game: Live at Planned Parenthood. In Live at Planned Parenthood, gamers will be able to play out their role as the doctor or the women in “need” of an abortion. Finally, a video game that truly reflects reality unlike those damned Minecraft of Duty: Call of Juarez games that plague the market with liberal inconsistencies.

Men can also learn what it’s like to undergo an abortion and how demonizing it is that doctors blindly agree to murder babies under their “Hypocritical Oath” about “doing no harm”. Abortion is blatant murder akin to having eggs for breakfast. Sure, you can claim there “isn’t a baby yet” (a pants on fire LIE) but a life is lost at the end of the day, and someone deserves to go to prison for it, hell maybe even deserve the death penalty depending on how many babies an abortion doctor has committed. Abortion is immoral and unfortunately allowed in our country from judicial activism. If we all go to hell because of Roe V. Wade, I’m dragging a handful of democrat demagogues with me.

The Graphics of LaPP are very well detailed, including the technical specifics of the deadly tools doctors use for murder, such as a hacksaw. You can see the women undergoing the “operation” and the horrific pain she feels under the knife. The screaming, shrieking and distraught sounds from the women in anguish is painfully realistic and accurate. With the technology of virtual reality, it really feels like you are in Planned Parenthood, ready to “operate”. It was quite scary for a horror game and because of that, I don’t recommend this game for people under the age of 7 to “enjoy” or play it.

But we can change the average liberal’s mindset with Live At Planned Parenthood, where I’m sure they will VR as the doctor to have the pleasure of murdering babies for their own amusement, much from their experience playing violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto: Overwatch and Halo 18: The Fall of Max Payne. What they will see, from my experience playing the demo, is how much blood and decapitation really goes on during an ‘abortion’. It’s absolutely sickening, I had some terrible nausea for hours after playing as the doctor, I can’t imagine the VR experience from the women’s perspective, which I refuse to see from because of the nausea I’ve felt experiencing giving the operation. Yes, it is THAT realistic which is why every liberal and democrat in our country must play this game. This game may be the only real way we can get progress done in our country to re-criminalize abortion and reinstate liberty for us all, especially for those “unborn”.

I highly recommend you play Live At Planned Parenthood whenever it comes out (perhaps soon), it is truly an unforgettable experience you do not want to miss. Because you won’t forget it unless you miss it. So don’t forget to miss it, or miss it to intentionally forget it. Because that’s what the Democraps want, and we can’t let them have what they want anymore. This is OUR country, and we must defend it by any means necessary. Life is too precious to be murdered before it is given a chance, miscarriages are already too much so we do not need abortions to re-traumatize the lost and suffered. It’s a crying shame and absolutely sickening that liberals try to generate a profit off the deaths of babies.

Final Review: 8 out of 10. It’s a bit too short, but it’s not sweet at all. At. All.

Aaron Lau is the Bullshit News specialist in Social Media, Internet, and other On-Line issues. He is faithful to his bride-to-be, Cindy Chieng. He enjoys ultimate frisbeeĀ and technology including video games but not the liberal propaganda-supported “fidget spinners” that are designed to spin Republicans to the left. He has an Associates’ in Information Systems from George Washington University.