If Committing War Crimes Is Wrong, Than I Want To Be Right

Written by Sgt. Abu Ghraib 

Crime, as we all know is bad. War is also bad, but is a necessity in order for peace to exist, so we can put up with war. But as they say, two wrongs turn into a right, and the United Nations slur, “War Crimes” is in reality a justified defense against terrorism. And even if war crimes are wrong, and were allegedly involved against terrorists committing a terrorist cause, than that would also be justifiable. As a highly experienced combat veteran, I know that if I, or anyone I know committed a so-called “War Crime” against the evil Godless Islamic Terrorists, they will be highly commanded and become a folk hero. Was Johnny Appleseed a terrorist for committing war crimes? The answer is irrelevant, we all know who Johnny Appleseed was and why he is an American hero, the ends justify the means.

It bothers me to no end that our precious and beloved United States of America has been falsely accused of committing costly and “immoral” “war crimes” by the United Nations, an organization that includes Iran, Syria, Cuba, and Iraq as valuable members of their community. How can an organization that allegedly represents freedom and equality have such terrorist countries as its members? There is no possible way they can credibly accuse the world’s #1 country that exports freedom from committing “war crimes” against other countries, let alone individuals from other countries. The only reason to be cautious of the United Nations slandering the United States as a “war-crime committer” is due to the costly fines that would be hurtful to our national debt, something almost but not nearly as bad as the Democratic Party adding more and more towards it.

The United Nations often cites America’s proud and honorable combat heritage of using Enhanced Interrogation Techniques as a means to acquire intelligence and ultimately win wars. Some say tactics that fall under EIT are immoral and wrong. But war is wrong, which means that EIT therefore, are right. The U.S Military is the second most ethical military of all countries, only behind by Israel. But our military doesn’t need to be the most ethical or even second most ethical in order to be right. The U.S Military gets the results done, no matter what murky occurrences happen in the middle, the freedom to be given to other countries from the end result is always a net benefit to the world. There’s no need to look or overthink anything else, yet the United Nations and some of our nations most prominent liberals believe otherwise.

The only time America might have possibly committed war crimes must have been under the Barack Obama Regime. Obama wanted to enforce his apologies to terrorists across the world with a musical tour with non-American pop act, “U2”. The United States never negotiates or apologizes to terrorists and their sympathizers, but Barack Obama broke that promise when he admitted America had faults, or something to that extent. Obama then increased the national debt to numbers unfathomable to the human mind and desecrated our country with his immorberal logic. We are lucky to even have President Trump come in and clean up his mess within four years of office.

9/11 was horrifying, yet illuminated the nation about the terrorists who want to be where America is today or in 2001. The terrorists and their land recognizable to the United Nations have been actively committing an information war against America being a noble and just nation. They actively libel and slander America as being a country that’s immoral and corrupt, which is plainly false. How could America be morally corrupt and the second thing that we are a country filled of criminal terrorists? The Democratic Party is immorberal, wrong and evil but they are not 100% terrorists. The right countries, the ones that our “friends” ought to be standing up for America in acts of high slander, but remain quiet. This is the result of the U2-Obama apology tour, and these measures of foreign policy continue to harm the US today.

When you are falsely reminded that America is a nation that allegedly may have committed a war crime or two, ask yourself these questions. Who is calling America a country that commits war crimes? Do these people know the benefit of so-called “war crimes” that they cannot understand the measures that needed to be implemented in order for a positive end-result to happen? Do they know how to tie their shoes? People like to accuse other people of many false and incorrect things, that’s why libel and slander laws exist, but on the international scale, nothing is off-limits. Unless you commit one of those so-called “war crimes”, then you could pay an unnecessary massive fine that could make a man do the most heinous acts imaginable. But it wouldn’t come from an American soldiers hands, believe me.

Sgt. Abu Ghraib is Bullshit News’ newest Correspondent, providing expert analysis and thought-out opinions about the on-going threats of the War on Terror and the Godless Islamic Barbaric Terrorists that conduct it. Whether it’s Morocco, Israel, Iraq, Palestine, Las Vegas or Iran, Abu fought in the Iraq War and enjoyed it so much he went to Afghanistan where he is stationed today in Kabul. Abu was born and raised in Macon, Georgia to prove all the “haters’ that bullied him in his high school that he was much more American than they are, and never looked back. Abu is currently on inactive duty, eagerly waiting for his name to be called at any moment.

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