San Francisco Seeks Out A Total Ban On All Knives To Curb Violence Problem

Written by Dr. Steven T. Clements, Esq

The liberally-confused democrat “citizens” of Nancy Pelosi County, San Francisco, who are already in the midst to ban plastic straws for killing baby dolphins, has looked for another failure to curb their ever-rising crime rate, which jumped up exponentially after the city taxed guns out of existence. According to evidence from my study on gun violence over the decades by analyzing crime data, the frequency and occurrence of violent crimes, and the scientific method, San Francisco’s crime rate has increased rapidly, and hit new highs under the Obama Administration.

San Francisco, a beacon for unreported criminal activity, has struggled with crime ever since they initiated the one party voting system in 1976.


San Francisco banned guns in a failed attempt to end their violence problem, but as logic would dictate, their problems got worse. London Breed, mayor of San Francisco, believes the next step forward is a total ban on all knives, trying to stop the violence one sharp object at a time. But how will that work? The violent felons, immune to being arrested because of San Francisco’s libertarian history, will create new weapons and with the help of Silicon Valley, become millionaires in the process. This ban will solve nothing, and will only make violence worse but yet slightly more profitable. The move to ban plastic straws makes sense in this context, as they can be sharpened by a knife to increase their potential deadliness.

Many call San Francisco a “progressive city”, which is nothing more than a dog-whistle term for a city that openly embraces socialism. The Democrats are hardly new to this kind of information warfare by inserting dog-whistle phrases to push a more emotional kind of argument as well as getting their base triggered into acting on their violent intentions. San Francisco is really a “regressive” city that acts as a nanny welfare state. The homeless are around to roam and poop freely, and the police act as their security guards to protect them among the violent but diverse population. In spite of their many problems, they are one of the few liberal cities that can generate money because of the new age “tech” movement. Despite their newfound wealth, their citizens remain angry about miscellaneous details wrong with the Trump Administration and the old-fashioned Al Gore hoax.

Not all are opposed to this ludicrous ban on many people’s favorite kitchen utensil. One opponent of this ban, concerned citizen Richard White, is one of the last few Republicans remaining in San Francisco. Richard and a few of his cohorts were outside of San Francisco City Hall chanting, “Knives come, knives go, You can’t take our knives, San Francisco!”. I was there at this rare moment of Republican civil unrest and had to document the very rare occasion by interviewing the brave Mr. White.


Dr. Steven Clements, Esq: Why does San Francisco want to ban knives? Don’t they eat steak out here?

Richard White: San Francisco doesn’t believe in self-protection. They would rather let you die in the streets then filling out a death certificate or taxing the poor. They don’t like knives for the same reason they banned guns in the 70’s, “to stop the violence that is plaguing our lives”.

Dr. Steven Clements, Esq: How do you survive in a city where the homeless are better protected more than the citizens?

Richard White: The only good thing about these new tech companies is that they made it so that people don’t need to leave their homes ever again. From Uber and Doordash to Tinder, we can go by our daily needs by the whim of a smartphone without the fear of getting robbed in broad daylight by a felon with scissors or the next worse thing.

Dr. Steven Clements, Esq: Wow, I’ve never heard of any of those words before. Smartphone? Uber? Tinder? DoorWhat? I know of Netscape.

Richard White: Technology advances faster in a city where the liberals care more about the government then the well-being of the people. Sadly, I can’t order a gun with my phone, but hopefully, we’ll all be able to one day.

Dr. Steven Clements, Esq: Do you think the knife ban will pass?

Richard White: Probably, and it won’t solve anything. I happen to like using my knives for eating meat and other food but clearly, the Board of Supervisors wants everyone to maintain a paleo-food based diet or for people to use their smartphones to cook and order their food. But I know the smartphones can’t help you when the Second Amendment can when you need it!

The San Francisco Board Of Supervisors will move to vote on the total ban on knives on September 10th, where Richard and his small base of Republican supporters plan to rally once more. They hope to garner bipartisan support against this ridiculous motion to ban kitchen appliances in the name of safety and security. As for now, Bullshit News is putting up a travel advisory to the San Francisco Bay Area for their unreasonable expectation that everyone entering the San Francisco  Region cannot carry a firearm, and possibly knives in the near future in violation of the Second Amendment. Our American right to self-defense is more important than technology and its liberal flaws.

Dr. Steven Clements, Esquire is Bullshit News’s legal scholar and property management expert witness for a side-gig. He spent a long time in college and law school to be properly educated about serious subjects like tax codes and property law related subjects like privacy and water slippages. After law school, he decided he wanted to learn more about life and became a doctor in medicine. He is a lifelong member of the Federalist Society and the National Rifle Association.


Children Should Start Working Today If They’re Serious About Going To College

Written by Gilbert Miser

Children in our society suffer dearly from audacious liberals and their threats to discharge firearms inappropriately in public spaces. New generations will always have different new and more threatening challenges to liberal fascism and the radical Godless Islamic Barbarianism that follows it. Children also suffer through college, a process of accumulating debt and radicalization process where the children learn their liberal confirmation biases and act accordingly. These new generation children don’t care about social order, they care about their phones and the Facebook-Twitter “IG” websites, all following a hollow liberal agenda they call, “sliding into your DM’s (sic)“. Perhaps if these millennial children don’t want to get into debt, they should start getting a job unlike their NFL quarterback icon “Colin Kaepernick” and should work early, preferably between ages 3 to 5.

Our country has a long proud tradition of labor and productivity, and children played a “small” hand in the history. Children worked very well in dangerous conditions in mines, steel mills, and other areas near potential hazards. Nowadays, there are many service industry and fast food jobs available that always hire due to the lack of educational or social experience needed for such roles. With a more educated workforce, there is less of a need for these service jobs, and a demand for more robots and AI to eventually replace the children. There will always be a demand for cheap child labor so your careers will be recession-proof. And there’s no better time to learn how to be a productive member of society then learning how to file taxes before learning your ABC’s. It’ll seriously impress your parents!

Capitalism is one of the greatest inventions in the last hundred or so years of Christian civilization. It has given the poor a reason to live, the middle class its existence, and allowed the elderly to live longer and healthier. We actively encourage our children to not work until they’re between 15-18, which is unreasonable with our Obama-ruptured economy. The Obama Regime has let the cost of living rise to nearly unsustainable levels. If children don’t start working now, they’ll be no more than wandering debt nomads and nothing less then a lost generation. Therefore, children should adopt early and quickly to the economy and start working now before they lose out on their 401K and social security.

Alternatively, we can elect to make colleges more expensive because these minds with their dollars are a terrible thing to waste. Many of these public universities are overcrowded, which means you need to spend more money on professors that demand salary increases each year or they strike and waste more money. The government simply can’t afford these rising costs on universities, so either we must tear down each one, frack the land to extract value on the property, and sell it to a responsible landowner who can better use the land. Or, we can make universities more expensive and remove the clutter of the working class who are known to struggle paying loans with interest. To remove the national debt from our problems, we need to think long and hard about where the government spends exorbitant amounts of money. Education is always one of the pricer bits, along with the newly fermented Obamacare. And with Obamacare’s seemingly immunities, education is the next best industry to be given a budget cut.

That begs the question, is college truly still worth it? Only if you can afford it. If you can’t afford it, you can still have a job and be the productive member of society everyone expects you to be. But if you can’t afford college, then perhaps let your children work for your tuition before the costs continue to add up.

Gilbert Miser is the Bullshit News financial and economics correspondent. His billionaire parents both died under mysterious circumstances when he was two. As the only child, he inherited all of their wealth and became the youngest multi-billionaire in the whole world. He was formerly a major broker with Lehman Brothers and MF Broker before retiring from the banking industry to become a part-time writer for Bullshit News. He owns a Yorkie named “Gunner” in Manhattan.

The Environment Is Just Fine; Stop Worrying About It

Written by Roger Goodmen

It’s no secret that “Al Gore” wants to promote the Big Science industry in promoting his Global Warming myth. Big Science has been more active than ever promoting the myths of Global Warming by extensively observing the environment and discovering the shocking fact that it changes over time. Scientists desperate for cash will do anything to make America pay attention to their baseless conspiracy theories. The environment is fine, and we’re not doing enough to take better use of it.

Consider “fracking”, or hydraulic fracturing for short. Fracking is a natural process of the environment by which the ground ejects oil for human consumption in a process called “photosynthesis”. Big Science will say that fracking is horrible for the environment, which is already being decimated by the “Global Warmings” and the “Climate Changes”, while also saying that our money is best used to conserve the environment rather than letting the invisible hand of capitalism regulate the planet as God intended. These scientists claim they want to make the planet “safer for our children”, but pay no attention to their creed, they merely want more money from their lobbyists and from the greatest hoaxer of all time, “Al Gore”. It is a liberal agenda to dismantle our country’s long and prideful history of oil reserves, and getting rid of oil and energy industry permanently is their goal.

But there are no studies that conclude that “fracking” is harmful. And in more ways than one, fracking helps stimulate the job sector and allows America to be less dependent on Godless Islamic Heathens and their only source of income. Fracking helps the terrorists lose, and that is a better case for “fracking” to remain legal then listening to Big Science and their political agenda to take over the United States with their anti-Trump agenda. Why else would elitist scientists hate America gaining more money, and for the American people to have jobs? Scientists live in their own bubble and mess with chemicals for a living in an enclosed lab, away from the rest of humanity. They should not have a say in what goes on in our lives. They should stick to writing long papers about subjects only other scientists care about, which clearly is not economics, or putting the American people in their hearts.

Many of you are also aware of the Coal industry, and Donald Trump’s best efforts to restore a long-lost traditional American job sector that the Obama Regime tried to kill permanently. Coal is a cheap and powerful form of energy that ensures that our trains run on time and remain in operation. Barack Obama falsely concluded that coal was harmful “for our environment” (there goes that rhetorical device of his again) and that we had “better, greener solutions” for our energy. This is just one method of Big Science implementing their liberal agenda haplessly on the American public, trying to make millions of Americans lose their jobs so they can go play with Play-Dohs and the un-American brick toy Lego “to better help the environment”. What are these “green jobs” scientists claim exist, and if they are so effective and money-making for our economy, why haven’t they completely phased out coal for them? The answer is simple: coal is much more effective than a bunch of wind turbines moving the air that generates little for our budget.

Big Science will use big words and insufferably long explanations to try to convert you to being a liberal. They will coerce you into thinking that their method is more reliable “for our lives” than the invisible hand of capitalism. Scientist thinking is allowing children to engage in intercourse with other children in order to “better preserve our environment” (for liberal voters). This is what they call their “hypothesis”. If scientists really know what’s best for the world, they would be economists helping solve our looming national debt crisis. Thankfully, President Trump is aware of all this scientist bunk and is a president that actually cares about our economy and those formerly lost coal jobs Trump has brought back. Unlike scientists, Donald Trump has actually operated and owned many businesses of varying economic sectors and is more aware of the economy than any Al Gore-truther ever could.

When it comes to settling down and having a lifelong job, who would you rather trust, a group of white-coated glasses-wearing nerdy elitist Scientists? Or the President of the United States who knows what’s best for the American people who voted him into office? With economics factored in, there’s no need to worry about the environment, it’s doing fine. Hell, the environment is phenomenal and really doesn’t deserve any more attention then it needlessly gets from The Weather Channel. Liberals should not follow the creed of Colin Kaepernick and should find a job instead. I hear the coal industry is hiring!

Roger Goodmen is an intern for He is a Senior at George Mason University double majoring in Political Science and Economics. Roger is a person of color and is not afraid of living in liberal reality with his hardcore anti-establishment conservative bully pulpit. He currently lives in an apartment near GMU with his feline-of-color cat named Carlos.

Democratic Socialists: The New Red Scare

Written by Don Kaftan, Editor-in-Chief, and Founder of Bullshit News

The new red scare will not start with Russians with hammers and sickles, but from New York City and at your local voting booth. The Democrats, as desperate as ever, have turned to one of the biggest demons in American history: communism, for votes. In New York’s 14th Congressional District, located in the Bronx and parts of Queens lies Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Marxist that is unarmed and ready to infiltrate America and her House of Representatives. She is a fearless “Democrat”, in that she admits that she is a socialist, perhaps unaware that socialism is an ideology that has never worked and produces needless labor unions in order to spread Marxism across the state.

Alexandria is just one of these many new age democrats that are more honest than Hillary Clinton or her counterparts. They call themselves, “Democratic Socialists” because there’s nothing the Democratic Party enjoys more than oxymorons and lying off their ass to the American people. These ill-in-the-head liberals believe that socialism can work in America and fabricate claims to bolster support, such as the ICE myth or believing illegal immigration is not a problem that must be stopped with swift force. Almost all of their solutions lie in more taxes and getting rid of our beloved military. The plans on their red agenda are no different from that of the USSR, making the Democratic Socialists the greatest threat to America since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Alexandria is not alone sadly, there are many “Democratic Socialists” running for offices around the country, with Ocasio-Cortez being the leading and most prominent figure, J. Edgar Hoover, former FBI Director and one of America’s most powerful anti-communists leaders of our society once said:

The menace of communism in this country will remain a menace until the American people make themselves aware of the techniques of communism. No one who truly understands what it really is can be taken in by it. Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.

Communism, from day one, has represented the biggest threat to American existence. Communism comes from many forms, but all lead to the same results: death or forced labor leading to death. There are a large number of techniques to spread the propaganda of communism, many debunked from this very website. Communists have finally understood the fact that in America, you’re not appointed to office without an election, but you must be elected into office from people voting for, and therefore believing and abetting, the political candidate’s agenda. What we’re seeing now from the so-called “Democratic Socialists” is nothing more than mainstreaming and legitimizing communist sympathies in order to treat America like she is not perfect. Any attempts to undermine American Democracy must be met with quick punishment that can change minds quickly, like a waterboarding or prison sentence.

Democratic Socialists would like you to believe that they endorse capitalism as the primary political agent of the United States, but they follow the USSR model of disinformation, to hide their true agenda. The Democratic Socialists claim they can provide, “free healthcare for all, free college, better public schools, and fewer guns” but they have no evidence or theory to back up these claims. They believe if they beat these slogans down on the American people like a drug addict hitting his “pipe”, that change can happen. Communism is a large monolithic political cult that seeks not just the overthrow of the State, but the end to normal life as we know it. It is a lower and middle-class agenda to overthrow the hard-working and long-suffering rich who pay enough in taxes to benefit society. As J. Edgar Hoover noted, Democratic Socialism manifests itself as communism under a new dress so that no one can take in the reality that communism is attempting to “come back” to America since the days of Eugene V. Debs.

As Hoover prophetically pointed out, “The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst”. After a prolonged absence, that evil has been reintroduced under a new name, much like Crystal Pepsi or New Coke. Democratic Socialism is the Crystal Pepsi of communism, only we as the market forces must let it fail before it has an attempt to succeed. Communism seeks to overthrow the state and replace it with something far darker and sinister that leads to censorship, an influx of poverty, Venezuela, and a rise of infectious virulent diseases. The pseudo-sense of equality that communism eschews is the very bitter almond you bite into that causes a demise of the spirit of capitalism.

Until we can break down the many, many, MANY efforts and techniques of communism, the red menace will continue until all of America is red (in a bad way). We must educate children in our public schools more about the very inherent dangers of a radical communist agenda before it is too late. And it may become too late sooner rather than never. It is important to remain armed and to avoid Democratic Party “disinformation”, as they increasingly seek help from Russia in order to win an election they deserve no chance to win. Democratic Socialists are nothing more than modern-day communists attempting to control a country that was never once theirs to begin with.

Don Kaftan is the founder of  He specializes in Mainstream Media Criticism, Foreign Policy, and Presidential Administrations. Don Kaftan was mentioned on William F. Buckley’s deathbed as future conservatives that speak the most truth to power. Don considers this to be the highest honor in the world after being married to his wife and being born into this world by the grace of God. He is as much of a patriot for America as liberals consistently whine about it.