The Green New Deal Is The Democratic Party’s First Step Towards Creeping Socialism

Written by Roger Goodmen

With the rise of socialism in the United States, our very livelihood of a traditional American society is fading quickly. Sinister Socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey have proposed a bill aimed at curbing freedom and liberty for the benefit of pernicious solar power companies that want to overtake the energy industry by the government’s hand. Since the Solar Industry failed us before from Obama’s Solyndra Enterprise and Bill Clinton’s Monica Lewinski corporation, Democrats have been hellbent in trying to rid America of our beloved and historic coal, natural gas and oil corporations. These companies have employed millions upon millions of people, and evil socialists like Bernie Sanders want to destroy their careers in a prized historic field. Democrats only care to see America crumble, and implementing their “Green New Deal” would be the first step towards America’s decline.

What the “Green New Deal” entails, outside of raising taxes on everyone in the country in the name of “economic inequality”, is the destruction of the oil-powered energy grid, reducing America’s steel emissions, and forcing the American train industry to laboriously implement more train tracks in America in order to “Euro-fy” the country. Among many other nefarious acts of regulation Democrats want to impose, this supposed bill would change America’s culture for years to come, for the worst. If America were to become more like Europe, it would require America to have fewer walls, which is against the main interest of the American public. America needs more walls, that was one of the main reasons President Donald Trump was elected to begin with. An America without walls is like a steak cooked well done, it’s not the America I used to know.

Thankfully the Senate is still controlled by the one party in America that cares about the common man: The Republican Party. The Republicans know what the Democrats are trying to concoct is pure hippie nonsense influenced by the rise of “marijuana” in the country. America is not a drug country, and many of the ideas purposed in the “economic stimulus package” for the Green New Deal are dope-influenced ideas created by tenured political science professors at lower-tier universities that desperately need a pay raise. The Obama Regime was filled with many of these policy wonks that led America towards a creeping socialist country filled with “individual mandates”, which was the Obama elitist expression for a tax increase penalty to those that don’t subscribe to his socialized healthcare plan. Democrats have many reasons to be nostalgic for Obama, but implementing any more ideas from his agenda will result in a cerebral hemorrhage onto the country. Republicans, the elephants of America known for their long memory and ivory, know that the Green New Deal is really a sequel to Obamacare, and implementing it will result in the destruction of the America Dream as we know it for the middle and working class.

Why would the Democrats want to implement a bill that has no realistic chance of going through the Senate, let alone the President’s busy desk, remains uncertain. From my calculations and analysis, it’s implied that if the mainstream media runs a headline with “Green New Deal fails in the Senate”, it will make it appear like Republicans don’t care about agriculture, which is egregiously false. There remains an agenda that the Democratic Party has with the Green New Deal that lies with shaming and guilt-tripping the Republican Party to install a new wave of taxation across America in order for “their children to see the future”, which leads to my main point.

Bullshit News has in the past debunked the myth of a man named “Al Gore” attempting to destroy our economy in the name of “the environment” or “Global Warming” or the other broadly named “Climate Change”. The Green New Deal is a similar, but more socialist effort to corrode the hard-working American economy. Global Warming was supposedly a threat to America in the mid-2000s, yet America and the majority of the Planet are still here. If Global Warming were really such a threat, how come our species haven’t been extinct yet? Why hasn’t this “Al Gore” character-actor shown up in public for the last dozen years or so? It’s all part of an elaborate ruse by the Democratic Party in order to increase taxes on every person in America so that they could increase their own paychecks. The Green New Deal is full of earmarks and pig barrel spending to benefit the Democratic Party’s biggest donors at the expense of their most vulnerable, which to be fair has been the Democratic Party’s agenda for as long as human history has been recorded about the United States of America.

Beware of the “Green New Deal”, it will not make America or planet Earth any greener, and there are no guarantees in the bill about making America “green” again. The only thing green about this bill is the money the Democrat’s biggest donors and elitists will collect if such a bill passes. America has never been a country for elites, and it needs you to stand up and protest this vile bill. If the Democrats keep corrupting their country in ways that haven’t been seen in any nation since Machiavelli’s The Prince, they might as well just get what they want. And if the Democratic Party gets what they want, socialism, we might as well just as be dead just like the Democratic Party’s fantasies regarding Global Warming.

Roger Goodmen is an intern for He is a Senior at George Mason University double majoring in Political Science and Economics. Roger is a person of color and is not afraid of living in liberal reality with his hardcore anti-establishment conservative bully pulpit. He currently lives in an apartment near GMU with his feline-of-color cat named Carlos.

The “Resistance” Is A Phony Russian Lie

Written By Carlos Gutierrez

It is no secret a large percent of Americans, patriotic or otherwise, do not like our current commander-in-chief, our President, Donald J. Trump. Certain officials in the government have been accused of committing nefarious government misconduct and ethical mishaps, but every administration falls to this. It’s natural, it’s politics. There have been polls in the mainstream media that allegedly assume that President Donald Trump is widely unpopular, but all polls in the media reflect the past and not the present. And the present is what ultimately matters when it comes to presidential favorability. Did polls save Albania from total communism and the USSR? They did not. So let’s talk about the “Resistance” movement and their history associated with the Flat Earth movement.

The “Resistance” propaganda movement is created and organized by young Russian internet “trolls” called the Internet Research Agency that want to make President Donald Trump appear unnaturally unpopular so that immorberal Democrats and so-called “Never Trumpers”, ex-GOP members that refused to pledge loyalty towards the President,  can criticize the president openly in public and in opinion columns without fear. As with most Russian nonsense, what are these so-called people “resisting”? Donald Trump has only opened more entries towards freedom under his presidency, including tax cuts, and are we supposed to assume this “large number” of Resisters are not paying taxes in order to attempt a coup d’etat on the American government? Fat chance, Russia! This is one but many tricks the Internet Research Agency acts on to benefit Russia and try and steal American liberty.

As we bring up the Internet Research Agency, it is only right that we at Bullshit News must share an ethical disclaimer: The Internet Research Agency has attacked Bullshit News in the past, claiming that Bullshit News supports the Flat Earth movement in an effort to prove that our website is not loyal enough towards the American government, and invalidates NASA’s accomplishments in kicking Soviet ass in the 1960s under President Nixon. None of the stories regarding Bullshit News as a primary source or any source for “Flat Earth” news is false. We are a patriotic site for proud Americans, and the first such site available on the World Wide Web. The Internet Research Agency was founded earlier this decade. We have no affiliation or coordination with communism and teenaged “trolls”.

Other phony goals of the “Resistance” movement involve a desire to elect American socialist Bernie Sanders into office so that he may support the Russian government in an effort to bring America many new ice cream flavors, an action of outsourcing American jobs for brain-numbing socialism. Among other, more well-known issues on their platform involve the removal of the Immigration Customs Enforcement agency, raise taxes for everyone, and the installation of guillotines in every downtown American city or suburb. Their radical and ridiculous platform has caught the eye of the prized political market demographic of 18-35-year-olds, and captivated their attention, but not for too long. The 18-35 demographic group’s trends fluctuate wildly, and socialism can be viewed as a thing of the past for young urban professionals according to my analysis.

There is no coincidence that the “Flat Earth” movement has propped up at the same time as the “Resistance” movement. They are two projects under the same umbrella of the Russian government’s attempt to prevent capitalism from being the dominant social paradigm. Their long lost tradition of communism has prevented them from ever accepting even some of the most essential and common sense tenets of capitalism. Simply put, Russia cannot and ever will assimilate to the modern world. All Russia has is propaganda, and that’s more than enough to pretend to sow turmoil in America and give President Trump a hard time in the White House.

President Trump has done his best to counter Russia propaganda experts by meeting Vladimir Putin and telling him to stop his efforts, and according to President Trump, Putin did listen. Where do you see these “Resistance” people in public anyway? They are only an online digital presence, which makes it appear that Russia’s effort to create discord in America has failed. There is no Resistance, as everyone has enabled Donald Trump to become one of the best presidents America has ever elected. But expect this “Resistance” movement to prop up again anytime this year or next year, as the Internet Research Agency will ramp up its efforts to undermine President Trump and move America closer towards communism under Bernie “Supporter of the Sandinistas” Sanders.

Carlos Gutierrez is the Bullshit News correspondent on Criminal Justice Issues, Immigration, and Russian Propaganda. He was born in Corpus Christi, Texas and is as American as you or anyone else that isn’t Irish or Italian. Devoted to his local Catholic Church, Carlos is an active member of his community and goes to church every Sunday, before the Cowboys game. Carlos worked on the 2016 Ted Cruz presidential campaign before coming to Bullshit News.