They’re Making JFK Woke Now

Written By Dr. Seabass T. Gorka, Esq 

I left my local nickelodeon in frothy disgust last weekend. As a passionate first generation American, I thought a movie regarding a former president (and a liberal too, so be damned) would at the very minimum not be affected by the recent audacious woke media climate. I thought our institutions were pure figures, that they wouldn’t have to be adjusted for “cultural sensitivity” and resemble the very best of our 6,000 years of human civilization. But no, Hollywood and their wretched woke ways have decided to capitalize on the liberal woke market.

It’s disgusting that the very same company that created “Mickard Moouse” and the Marvel Cinematic Universe have decided to make President John Fitzgerald Kennedy woke in their latest new film, “JFK: Reimagined”. What I expected that was “reimagined” would be if JFK prevented his assassination like a man and killed Lee Harvey Oswald himself, and the possibilities of what would happen after that could at least be entertaining. Instead, I see that they made JFK woke. They “reimagined” him to be (in their words), “instead of growing up with his suburban Massachusetts roots, JFK now grows up as an inner-city African-American youth in the hard streets of Harlem”. That is absolutely an atrocious bollocks mission statement that was apparently brought up frequently in the two “trailers” according my movie clerk. That statement alone cannot defend the actions of how Disney has desecrated United States history, let alone expecting me to watch some brief previews of this movie in a yokel mobile before watching the film in the cinema.

Already at the start of the film I share no sympathy for poor young John F Kennedy. Not because of the color of his new woke skin, but because he is an evil liberal that will eventually become president and ruin the country with his socialist peace corps movement, among other terrors. I thought that he would be reimagined as a Republican, learning how to be noble, caring, God-Fearing and Godless Islamic Barbarian Hating sort of a new man that isn’t scared of evil Antifa leftism. Sadly what we get instead would be better off if it was boring, instead it was appalling and shameful that Disney would resort to wokeism for a quick buck. It’s as if patriotism isn’t profitable enough anymore for the media conglomerate.

The contents of the film are as stereotypical of woke media as you can expect. It has Broadway musical songs and moments, a lot of “tearful” (unmanly) scenes, but one positive merit of the film was the alternative assassination portrayal of JFK being “gang-banged” and bleeding out on the streets. It was more entertaining to watch that lone scene than the entire Zapruder film. But one good scene does not make a good movie, let alone a movie with super-woke elements thrown at you at every possible second. The cinematography is dull, the editing resembles Hillary Clinton’s campaign ads, the lightning is too dark, and the writing is obviously too woke to make sense nor resemble anything close to good. There were good possible avenues for JFK: Reimagined to be a good conservative film about failed liberalism, but instead they turned the woke gears up to eleven and we get this garbage that’s too garbage to be filth.

The worst possible thing about all of this is that JFK: Reimagined was marketing to children to make them woke. Thankfully Governor Ron DeSantis has banned the film from ever possibly playing in his state of Florida. Yet other conservative states do not seem to care about how this woke film can radicalize today’s children to become tomorrow’s liberal fascists. We need our nation’s children to not only be properly armed in school, but to be wary of wokeism and know how to confront it when the unfathomable time comes. Our children need to learn about patriotism, conservative values, nationalism, and all of that good middle-America values that our country was founded upon. The woke media and their insidious culture are a bug on the flag of Freedom, but together we can wave it away and save our country from their radical agenda.

Dr. Seabass T. Gorka, Esq is the Bullshit News historian and correspondent for black supremacy extremist groups. Previously Seabass had a long and storied career reporting on European Affairs from Hungary and other irrelevant central-eastern European countries. He is the number one expert on extremism across the globe, earning his Ph.D. in Prague and became a part-time corporate lawyer in America in his spare time. He is a naturalized citizen of the United States and resides in Houston with his dog, Jefferey.

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