CUM Might Be Our Best Shot Against Antifa

Written By Don Kaftan, Editor-in-Chief

America is under attack by a variety of enemies each day. Not only do the Godless Islamic Barbarbian Heathens From Hell attack America from the outside, but America is constantly under attack by Antifa and other leftist radicals on the inside. There is a good reason Congress focuses on upgrading our defensive spending every fiscal quarter until terrorism is permanently eliminated from our global conscience. But until then, the fight against international and national terrorism is a battle of wits and maintaining the status quo.

Antifa, as we are aware, actively oppose societal norms and want to infect America to a nation of communism. Fortunately, it appears that Antifa may finally be fracturing. A new insurgent group within Antifa, the Communists Under Mutiny, or CUM for short, has splintered off Antifa and has established themselves as a fifth column. CUM formed as a reactionary group within a reactionary group due to a difference of philosophy. Some say the founders of CUM saw the light of Jesus and realized capitalism is the only way to live inside an unethical world full of socialism, while other members of CUM splintered off from Antifa due to the so-called “dirtbag left”, perhaps another splinter group inside the massively influential terrorist, fascist left. Their motives are unknown at this time.

Communists Under Mutiny, lead by their leader John Mackie, are open to right-wing ideas, otherwise known as intellectualism. Unlike their Antifa brethren, they support a free market, closed borders, and are open to Trump and Republican Party ideas, values, and ethics. Unlike their radical ancestors, CUM understands the need for bipartisanship while also acknowledging the Democratic Party is failing to work properly and is becoming a useless hull and burden on the American people. Perhaps CUM will be a force to reckon with inside the Democratic Party for years to come.

However defeating Antifa is not going to happen in one day. Rome may have fallen in one day to Istanbul Constantinople, but ideologies are difficult to kill. Especially murderous ideologies sympathetic to terrorist causes. Antifa has various strongholds across America, such as South Detroit and Puerto Rico, where they plan their latest rallies and burn American flags while they hymn Grateful Dead music with the hip hop. They want to change American culture and turn it into a pro-terrorist, anti-wealth and anti-conformist America. If any Antifa goons were to take a seat in the House, we could easily be one step closer to the end of the United States of America as we know it.

But sure, some Antifa-apologists will say that Antifa is nothing more than a bunch of hippies that want to wave their own flag. But that is the problem: that sense of anti-America non-conformism is a threat on our own very liberties. Antifa is pro-birth control, so they are anti-family. Antifa is anti-capitalist, and should they ever deal with the treasury or Federal Reserve we will be doomed as a nation. They don’t believe in money or reasonable healthcare access, they will drive the country to a grave faster than any Democrat with more fervor than the Barack Obama regime.

In any event, it’s beautiful to see CUM form from Antifa as radical groups battle it out to try and fight a real, strongly created ideology like conservatism. May CUM and Antifa battle each other while we can cheer from our high moral ground that conservatism will win at the end of the day. As long as CUM succeeds in its goals, Antifa will be threatened and maybe one day, disband for good. Until then, we must fund CUM and ensure their success as a new right-wing movement. Hopefully CUM may reign down upon America, so long as they maintain and keep their clean-cut conservative image of authority.

Don Kaftan is the founder of  He specializes in Mainstream Media Criticism, Foreign Policy, and Presidential Administrations. Don Kaftan’s resume was rejected from Fox News, which ignited the fire for Don to start and spread his message of conservatism to everyone beyond the electromagnetic spectrum.